fair once-over-lightly survey article on the subject, which is that certain laws are outmoded, and some law-enforcement still all we get from most of the press.)

Plans are being discussed to bring officer Blackstone down from San Francisco to testify before the Police Commission -which has just taken over Councilman Snyder's hearings, but has set up rules limiting the manner, content, and time for such complaints.

Most L. A. Gays are committed, as are Gays elsewhere, to finding a way of "living with" the police. Though we feel

The Jay Menagerie



discriminatory, we generally believe in a society of laws. Self-willed law enforcement men like Davis place a severe strain on that belief.

Davis says that homosexuals are "the real criminals." Wherever the functions of law enforcement are flagrantly abused, in Miami, Long Island, Los Angeles or the smallest village in the country, ONE has the right to ask, "Who are the real criminals?"

"For instance, in ancient Greece it was considered the highest form of . . ."


"I'm elegant"

Copyright 1954

by ONE, inc.